Lead Retrieval

Please be advised that attendee lists will not be provided after the show. Conference Catalysts is providing a Lead Retrieval option at AUTOTESTCON conferences, for this purpose.

If you are interested in the Lead Retrieval service, please fill out the below form and send it to jreisman@conferencecatalysts.com.
Frequently Asked Questions

How do the questions work?
On every AUTOTESTCON 2024 attendee’s badge will be a QR code unique to that individual. You will be able to scan their badge and receive all of their contact information. The 10 questions that are listed on the Lead Retrieval Form will then pop up. You can ask the attendees these questions and fill them in as you go. You will then have all of this information linked to their contact information.

Do these questions come up on the phone screen after the attendee’s information?
Yes, the questions listed on the form as the 10 standard questions will come up on the app. You will need to ask these questions to the attendee out loud, and they will answer. You record their answers on the app.

Should we read out the questions to the attendees?
Yes, these questions are there to help guide you and ensure you collect as much information as possible.

Could we write a memo on the smart phone Code Readr app, and the memo is saved to the database?
There is not a section for notes within the app, however, you can add a ‘notes’ question as a custom question for an additional fee.