IMM Special Issue


The IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine is distributed to all Instrumentation & Measurement Society members, whereby the Special Issue on AUTOTESTCON 2024 will go out in an email to Society members together with a link to the Digital Edition of the issue in November 2025. 

The articles are included in IEEE Xplore for any reader outside of the Society membership to access. 

AUTOTESTCON contributors should consider if this is something worthwhile for them to prepare their articles for. This Special Issue represents an opportunity to present their work to a wider audience, and therefore the articles should be written in an accessible or readable manner. It is also important that authors are aware that the readership of the Magazine article is different from the audience of their AUTOTESTCON papers. Please see the Authors Submission Guidelines for detailed instructions. 

Eligibility and Preparation for Article Submission

All papers that were accepted, registered, and presented at AUTOTESTCON 2024, and which will appear in the AUTOTESTCON proceedings in IEEE Xplore, are eligible to submit a technically extended version of their work to the Special Issue on AUTOTESTCON 2024 to the IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine. 

It should be noted that a technically extended paper does not mean that the paper must be longer. The Magazine article should be approximately 3500 to 4000 words, with a maximum of 6 figures and 10-12 references.

Important note about Article Format, Scope and Deadlines

Any article submitted to the IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine must be framed in the proper context of Instrumentation & Measurement, otherwise, it will be rejected immediately without going to review. 

The article MUST be technically extended from the AUTOTESTCON proceedings paper. Please note that the IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine considers only technical extensions, not grammatical extensions. For example, providing more explanation of the same technical thing(s) presented in the AUTOTESTCON proceedings paper is NOT a technical extension.

Furthermore, any article format that does not comply with the submission guidelines will fail the technical checks and be sent back to the authors. Please carefully follow the Authors Submission Guidelines to prevent this outcome for your paper.

The deadline for submission to the Special Issue is March 2025

Preparation for Submission to the Special Issue

  1. Upload the article, and make sure to select “November 2025: AUTOTESTCON 2024”
  2. Upload a copy of the AUTOTESTCON proceedings paper
  3. Upload a Statement from the Authors, which must provide a list of the technical extensions. 
  4. If the authorship of the magazine article is different from the submitted Magazine article, an additional statement from the Authors is required to state the reason for the removal or addition of the author(s). If the author(s) were removed, a signed statement is required for any removed author stating that they agree to be removed from authorship of the Magazine article. If the author(s) were added, their contribution to the technical extension must be explicitly clarified