AUTOTESTCON 2024, DoD and NDIA ATS Executive Plenary Session
(Tuesday 27 August 2024, 9:15 - 11:45)
“ATS Digital Transformation Study Results (NDIA ATC)”
This year's DoD and NDIA Automatic Test Systems Executive Plenary Session will be a Panel of military Service representatives from the DoD's ATS technology programs and National Defense Industrial Association's Automatic Test Digital Engineering / Digital Transformation Project Committee representatives. The eight-member panel are involved with Digital Engineering transformation in their organization and association with the NDIA DE project. The Government Panel members will provide insights that are of high interest to the DoD ATS communities and the NDIA ATC representatives will summarize the project results addressing Digital Transformation and its relationship to ATS. The session will include a Q&A.
The Panel will include the following members:
Mr. Patrick Curry - Moderator, US Army
Mr. Kevin Simpson - US Air Force ATS
Mr. Mike Malesich - US Navy, ATS
Ms. Josselyn Webb - US Marine Corp
Mr. Steven Butcher - US Army
Tim Stanley (CACI) - NDIA ATC
Darcy Smith (Keysight) - NDIA ATC
Jon Cos (Draper) - NDIA ATC
Ion Neag (Reston Software) - NDIA ATC